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Register for ABCA Webinar: Velo Sports

Topic: "The Science of Overload/Underload Training and Puck Knob Bats"

October 16, 2024, 8:00-9:00 p.m. Eastern
Presenters: Mike Napoleon, CEO of Velo Sports, and Dr. Tyler Standifird, Ph. D. in Biomechanics

Join Mike Napoleon, CEO of VELO Sports, and Dr. Tyler Standifird, Professor of Biomechanics at Utah Valley University, to learn how and why Overload/Underload works to increase bat speed and how this training has progressed to further improve gains. We will also discuss the rise in Puck Knob use in the Majors and college and how and why counterweighting a bat can improve performance metrics. 

We will cover:

The Future of Overload/Underload Training in hitting
  • The Science of bat speed training-dry swings versus hitting a ball. Optimal weight ranges, reps, rest periods
  • The science of non dominant training
  • Transferring increases in bat speed into exit velocity

Ground Reaction Forces in Baseball
  • How to assess these using technology
  • How to improve these using certain drills
  • How these affect the entire batting motion

Baseball Biomechanics
  • Exploring 3D technology with hitters
  • How to improve sequencing and efficiency

The Science of Puck Knobs
  • Why we are seeing an increase in these at the Major League and Collegiate Level
  • What MLB Players are using Puck Knob bats now
  • What are the best weight parameters for when adding a puck knob
  • What metrics can a puck knob effect-launch angle, bat plane, exit velocity


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You need to register for this webinar and be logged in with your ABCA username to access this webinar. Registration is free.

How to Access: Once you are registered, come back to this page and click the button above, or follow the link in your confirmation email, to access the webinar on October 16, 2024. You must be logged in with your ABCA username to access the page. 

About the Speakers

Michael Napoleon Headshot

Michael Napoleon
Striving to continually innovate modern coaching methodology, Michael Napoleon believes deeply that truly expert coaches produce lasting positive change with very little input. For years Michael owned and operated a golf performance academy called Catalyst Golf Performance in the Chicago area. Catalyst incorporated golf coaches, golf fitness professionals, rehabilitation experts, nutritionists, and club fitters under one roof to provide a comprehensive one stop shop for improvement. In 2012, Michael began product R&D on an Overspeed training product called the SuperSpeed Golf Training System, released in the fall of 2014. Since the launch SuperSpeed Golf has become a global brand and a new standard for speed. Now with over 700 touring professionals and 250,000 amateur golfers working with SuperSpeed Golf, Michael and his team at SuperSpeed are making a distinct impact on the games of golfers all over the world. In 2017 Michael launched a baseball Overspeed training system called SuperSpeed Slugger which quickly became popular with MLB organizations and collegiate teams. In 2024, Michael and his team rebranded the baseball division to become what is now VELO Sports.

Michael speaks regularly at seminars, coaching summits, teaching symposiums, and many other events with the primary goal of educating professionals about not only speed training, but also business strategy, biomechanics, and coaching science.

Dr. Tyler Standifird Headshot

Dr. Tyler Standifird
Tyler Standifird is an associate professor of Biomechanics at Utah Valley University. He received his PhD from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 2015. He is the director of the Biomechanics Laboratory at Utah Valley University, where he conducts research related to sports performance and injury. Recently he has completed studies related to the development of golf club head speed using ground reaction force and the effect of speed training on these parameters. He also has been working extensively with the athletics department at his University analyzing jumping and landing force for performance and injury prevention. He has published 10 full articles and spoken at regional, national and international conferences.

Tyler currently serves as a consultant for VELO Sports and SuperSpeed Golf as well as being recently named the Research and Science Director for Smart 2 Move Force Plates. 

This ABCA Webinar is featuring Velo Sports.

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