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ABCA Hall of Fame

ABCA Hall of Fame Inductee

Tom Kibler Profile Photo

Tom Kibler

Washington College (MD)
Inducted in 1972

Tom Kibler arrived at Washington College in 1913 to coach football, baseball and basketball. The baseball team, which Kibler began coaching in 1913, prospered under his leadership for 58 years, until he retired in 1969 at the grand age of 83. His teams logged more than 300 wins. Kibler helped send such greats as Bill Nicholson, "Jake" Flowers, Jack Enright, Freddie Wallace, Bobby Young and Dave Leonard to the major leagues. In 1926, Kibler relinquished his football coaching chores, but continued coaching basketball and baseball. A heart condition required him to give up the basketball reins in 1939, but not before his teams had won 272 games while losing only 98. Active in civic and college affairs beyond athletics throughout his career, Kibler received many well-deserved distinctions and awards. Perhaps his most memorable were the Silver Star, Purple Heart, Croix de Guerre and Distinguished Service Medal awarded to him for bravery in World War I. Leading his company in the heat of battle, he was gassed and wounded twice. Kibler Field, a multi-purpose sports field, is named in his honor at Washington College. Kibler was inducted into the Washington College Athletics Hall of Fame in 1981.

Tom Kibler Action Photo

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